Monday, 17 October 2011

Todays Lesson

Continuing with the work set in class, today i started on my detailed storyboard. This contains High detail images of exactly what’s going to be in my animation. for example the first scene is going to be the title page, saying "The History of animation By Zach Stewart" The following scene is placed at a train station with information graffiti’d onto the wall, then thirdly is a train rolling on the track with images in the background related to animation history in the decade of the device. This pattern continues throughout.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Using Adobe Flash

Today’s lesson as about the use of motion tracking in adobe flash. In order to do this we were required to start off as we would when creating the rolling ball that we did last lesson, Instead this time we needed to create a new Motion Tracking layer and use the pen tool to create a guide for the ball to follow. Once we had done this we needed to align the ball to each end of the motion guide, then we had to tween it so it followed the course we had set and looked like it was bouncing. The first time i tried this however i was unsuccesfull as without realising i had selected an ordinary new layer for the motion path when i should have you the motion guide layer. So when i animated the ball it did not follow the line it just moved across the page.

In the previouse lesson i was unable to blog what i had acheived as the lesson time ended. However in that lesson we were required to create a ball rolling across the page. to do this we had to first create a new layer and use the oval tool to create a Ball. We then had to create two keyframes and select the start and finish point for the ball. In doing so all that was then required was to tween between those key frames so that the ball would smoothly roll across the page.

I have found using flash for the first time very interesting as there is alot to take in from the program unlike adobe Photoshop wich is a much less complex program. I look forward to my further progress in using this program.